How to Avoid Plagiarism in an Essay

How to Avoid Plagiarism in an Essay

by scholaruni--


Being a student means having loads of responsibilities. For example, you should continuously work hard to reach your goals. However, there are many pluses to success, and the road to your dreams could be tricky. Getting written assignments is a common thing for any student. Countless term papers, case studies, research papers, capstone projects, reviews, and essays are parts of a routine.

In addition to the need to spend many hours writing and researching, students have other potential problems. Getting caught in plagiarism is among them. Most teachers react to the borrowed content severely. From time to time, one should write an essay from scratch if one gets caught in plagiarism.

However, some students borrow content and pretend they have written the text, and some faithful students genuinely work hard to master a good essay. Unfortunately, even if you are creating a text by yourself, there are risks that plagiarism will be detected. The article below will discuss how to avoid plagiarism in an essay.

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Do the Research

Students know that correctly researching the essay topic is half a success. Moreover, sourcing relevant materials on a stated topic will generate many unique words and phrases to use in your paper. The main goal of an essay author during research is to realize all tiny aspects related to a topic.

If you feel confident regarding the collected material and understand the main peculiarities of the case, you can quickly formulate your thoughts. We do not recommend you copy-pasting the phrases you find during research if they are subjective and have a particular author. The best way to create a unique text is by analyzing the study’s results and expressing your opinion on the topic.

Always check your Phrases

Some students do not realize their essay contains plagiarism until they check it with a specific tool. One of the reasons it happens is that various word cliches are stuck in people’s minds. Many popular phrases and words seem to fit the situation and context. You are not making a mistake using these elements in your essay. However, simultaneously, you risk scoring a lower grade as the phrases you use will be too trivial and lower the uniqueness of your text.

Ask for Assistance

One of the ways to avoid plagiarism in essays is by asking for help with writing. Requesting assistance from friends or relatives is a common thing for many students. However, some topics could seem challenging even for your experienced classmate. Moreover, one should be ready for rejection from friends as everybody has a life and could be busy.

That is why professional essay writing help could be an option for those students who are afraid to get caught for plagiarism. Most services that offer paper assistance work online and collaborate with experienced authors whose level of knowledge lets guarantees success. Usually, students check the essay writing service after asking for friends’ recommendations. If you do not have someone who could help you, try using the following criteria of choice:

  • The service must be legit and work under the license. Good services provide detailed information about their legitimacy on the sites and use clear terms and conditions of cooperation.
  • Writers of the service must be verified and have certificates. Some sites allow customers to get in direct touch with an author and ask questions. Other services provide help via managers. Anyway, you must ensure that you have an opportunity to communicate with a real person.
  • Prices must be average. Offering prices much lower than the market average could signal that the service is unreliable. At the same time, if the company offers very high rates, it also means that they could be amateur. Reliable services offer average flexible prices.
  • It would be best if you got guarantees from the service. For example, free revisions and a money-back guarantee are necessary for a reliable essay writing service. If you cannot find the information about revisions on the website, ask a customer support manager to help you.

Read more books

This an obvious suggestion that could make a big difference in reading more books. Most students who get caught in plagiarism fail because they lack reading experience. Widening your horizon with the help of good books will enrich your vocabulary.

Moreover, reading improves communication abilities and imagination skills and boosts creativity. All these qualities are crucial if you wish to create texts free of plagiarism. We recommend you read books of different genres and make it a habit to read at least ten pages daily.

The modern world gives loads of opportunities to people who wish to develop and grow. Thanks to technologies, Kindle books, and smartphones, reading has become possible on the go. Or you can listen to audiobooks while driving from point to point during your daily routine activities. The main thing you require is a desire to learn more and to discover. By implementing a regular reading habit, you will make a massive step towards creating essays without plagiarism.

Be Patient Editing

After you finish writing an essay and finalize the last version of the draft, proceed with the stage of proofreading. During the editing, students could likely find plagiarized sentences and paraphrase them to make the text more unique. Using specific proofreading tools available online also could be very helpful.

One can not only check the style, grammar, and punctuation and exclude repeated words. Also, an excellent text-checking tool allows for defining borrowed phrases and helps to change them to unique ones.


Avoiding plagiarism in an essay could be a problem for a student who lacks writing experience. One of the ways to create unique texts is by collecting information during research and generating your ideas. Many students turn for help from essay writing services and get sufficient support there.

Checking your phrases during writing will help you to avoid cliches. Reading books of different genres will help you to widen your horizon and think outside of the box. When editing texts, apply tools that help to avoid stylistic mistakes and overused words. We wish you good luck in creating unique essays!